Online Practice
We are offering online practice to help our community stay calm and connected. Join us for our online practice to cultivate serenity and compassion for yourself and others.
Our regular weekly schedule is continuing as usual. Please feel free to join us by clicking any of the scheduled times below.
Online Practice Guidelines
Minimize visual distractions for others.
– Consider what is showing behind you.
– It’s best to put the camera at eye level, so that when you’re looking at the screen, it appears as if you’re looking at the person you’re talking to.
Mute yourself when not speaking even if you’re alone in the room.
– Your microphone can pick up a lot of background noise, so muting allows others on the call to easily hear who’s speaking.
– Please keep your mic muted during chanting. Unfortunately, our chanting over an online meeting connection is not going to be in sync.
Sit up, rather than lying on your bed or the couch (if physically possible), as if you are in the meditation hall. Use your cushion or a straight-backed chair.
Getting into the online practice
From your computer, tablet or smartphone, use the link below: https://zoom.us/j/8487354639
This link will be the same link for all programs.
You can also dial in using your phone if you don’t want to use your computer.
United States: +1 (301) 715-8592
Access Code: 848-735-4639
Please join the session 5 minutes before the scheduled start time, so as to be seated and settled in place before the practice begins.
If your device does not already have the Zoom app installed, it will automatically download (after you click to accept the download). Say “yes” to any prompts. The app does not require you to create an account, password, or give any personal information. Make sure you leave enough time to do this before your first online meeting. It only takes a few minutes.
Click to join with Computer Audio.